Jamie Cornelius
Wardlaw, Sr., BS, MAC
Reentry University
Vice President Department of Community
Supervision Liaison Chief Financial Officer
Jamie Cornelius Wardlaw Sr., is the President of A Better Place, LLC, where they treat the psychological and mental health needs, as well as the substance abuse issues of adults and children.
Mr. Wardlaw is a Certified Peer Specialist and a member of the renowned International Gospel Singing Group, The Wardlaw Brothers.
Mr. Wardlaw has served on the board of Hand to Hand Heart to Heart Mentoring Program and currently serves on the board of Charlie’s Place Recovery Community Organization.
Mr. Wardlaw has worked with felony probationers/parolees and headed the Toombs County Daily Reporting Center for The Georgia Department of Community Supervision.
Mr. Wardlaw has a Masters in Addiction Counseling from Grand Canyon University. He also has a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, as well as an Associate Degree in Criminal Justice from Troy University.
Mr. Wardlaw is happily married to Crystal Shawnte Wardlaw. They have three Children; Naomi, Jamie III, and Jamie Crystian.